


The Classics Society 

Classics Society is a club for any pupil interested in anything Classical. We explore an enormous range of topics from what sort of hero Odysseus was to how Augustus transformed the Roman Republic. At each meeting a pupil gives a talk on something or someone from the Ancient World while the rest of us listen intently, concocting cunningly difficult questions with which to bombard said speaker! Once a team we take a break from this format to indulge in a Classical Quiz, an event that often draws in some one-off visitors to the club. Fourth Years and above are all welcome. 

Latin Prose Competition

Latin Prose Composition is an extension class for senior classicists. It develops pupils’ knowledge of the language, enabling them to compose continuous passages of Latin prose and reinforcing the rudiments of accidence and syntax. Membership is by invitation only and any queries should be addressed to Mr Waite.



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