
CCF Annual General Inspection

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CCF Annual General Inspection

This Sunday in blistering spring heat, Corps put on its annual showcase to parents and guests. An immaculate Guard...

Army Cadets Selected to Compete in National Cadet Cambrian Patrol

Next weekend, a team of eight cadets from Corps will take on the ultimate challenge available to Army Cadets...

Three New Master Cadets!

The Headmaster was delighted to meet Corps’ latest three Master Cadets this week, to discuss their experiences and to...


During the Easter Holidays, the Army Section embarked on a three-day exercise on Longmoor training areas. The objective was...

Master Cadet Course, April 2024

One Saturday over Easter, Sgt Wolstenholme, Sgt Veldtman and I arrived at CTC (Cadet Training Centre) Frimley Park, filled...

Adventure Training for Cadets Ex Welsh Waters

In a flagrant breach of tradition, clear skies, regular sunshine and mild temperatures accompanied a party of 45 cadets...

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